Monday, January 12, 2009

Angels have been visiting me.

One week ago tonight something happened that I meant to write about, so I'm taking the opportunity to do that now.

It was a very slow night at work (Mondays usually are.) It was near the time for buffet to end, and I had a young couple and their son (probably about one and 1/2 year old) sit in my section. I did nothing extraordinary, but I was nice, as I usually am. Nice, as I try to be all of the time regardless. So, here I am waiting on them, and their son, who is young, makes about an average mess for a boy his age. Maybe even below average. It was certainly not the worst mess I've ever seen. It was probably one of the smaller messes. They left the restaurant after not being their very long at all. And so, I went to clean their table.

They left me a $20 with a note saying "Sorry for the mess."

I meant to write about that last Monday, but as it turned out, I didn't. I just continued to mean to write about it. The reason why I'm writing about it now is because tonight something else happened.

I waited on a woman and her son. I was nice as I could be. Nice, as I try to be all of the time. Regardless. They each ate about two plates of food from the buffet. I kept her drink filled, made sure her son's drink stayed filled. Kept the table clean. And then she gets ready to leave.

"You were our waitress, right?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Do you share your tips?"
"No, ma'am."

She hands me $25. I ask her if she's sure and say I can't take it. I tear up at her kindness. She reassures me that it's fine. She wants me to have it. And she fills out a customer comment card about me. A nice one, I hear.

Angels have been visiting me. They may just be people, but to me, they are angels. They bring a message to me that people are still good, kind, and generous. And they make all of the not-so-nice people worthwhile. God has been sending me angels. And I thought I would tell you about them.

Thank you so much, wherever you are.