Saturday, June 14, 2008


If you go to a building and it is locked, take a look at the door and see if hours are listed on it. If it is after the closing time, do not stand at the door, looking at the people inside, expecting them to come unlock it for you. The store, restaurant, whatever is closed. They are not expecting you; you are not some special person that gets to come in after hours because you are you. They want to go home and see their families, sleep, do anything other than be at work. Standing there and waiting until someone comes to tell you that the store is, in fact, closed just makes you look ignorant. Take a locked door as a hint. People don't lock doors for no reason.

That said:

To the people from Zimbabwe - Why here? The United States, sure. But why this town in this state? There have to be cooler places. Do you know how to play mancala? I sure wish you'd come back in so that, if you did know how to play, we could have like a tournament or something. Pretty awesome.

To the woman with the little girl (I'm assuming it was your daughter) - I'm sorry I gave you poor service. I was informed ahead of time that you don't tip. Instead of saying "I'm not wasting my time on you," I should have taken it as a challenge. I apologize.

Useful fact: If you don't tip at Pizza Hut, you might like to consider it seeing as they get paid the minimum wage for waiters and waitresses. Or servers, I guess. I did not know that until tonight.

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